Thursday, January 19, 2012

Going Home

No birds or cats where harmed in the shooting of this picture....

All initial shots given. Wormed twice. Kissed, hugged and played outside in the sunshine. Four down. Six wonderful puppies to go. Come get acquainted. You'll be better off for it. You might even leave with a lifetime friend with you! These wonderful folks already have!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Hellooo! Why the hesitation?

Sometimes I wait for the perfect time to do something and I find that perfect time never comes! Puppies can be a lot of work and some expense, but they give back many times effort and cost. Think back to other dogs or pets you have had. The memories are about their sweetness. The quirky behavior. How they jumped into a family photo and turned it into the best most memorable family picture ever! That is what having a pet can be all about. They are a faithful friend right when you need them. And boy do we need them these days. Come to think of it we always have. So come out to Scholls Oregon and give us a visit. Take home your new "best friend forever". It will bring some early springtime joy into your life!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Growing up fast!

These puppies are getting bigger everyday; and cuter! I really wonder where time goes. There are three spoken for already. Come out to Scholls now and visit us. There is a great selection of puppies left looking for their forever homes! The weather has been good! Come out and play with the pups. We are happy to answer your questions. You will see first hand how much fun an aussie puppy can be!